Finally, Dissected: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?
Posted by Charlotte Brown on Oct 17th 2024
All bearded dragon carers would tell you good food is among the most essential aspects of caring for this delicate creature.
But what about strawberries? Does our bearded friend love this juicy fruit?
Let’s finally dissect the mysterious relationship between strawberries and bearded dragons.
Dragons & Strawberries: A Sweet Dilemma
Let’s cut to the chase: YES
However, strawberries can be served to bearded dragons – but, of course, there are certain conditions under which you may fed.
Here’s the deal: Strawberries contain vitamins such as vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which will help your beardie's overall health.
To Take Care: Strawberries also have natural sugars, which makes them a possible cause of obesity or gastrointestinal problems if fed frequently.
Are Strawberries Good Or Bad For The Bearded Dragons?
Strawberries are acceptable for your pet to consume but should be fed occasionally. Bearded dragons' optimum diet includes vegetables and other green leaves, some proteins, and fruits; strawberries are very scarce.
Here’s a look at the pros and cons:
- Rich in Vitamin C: They contain a high amount of ascorbic acid, which is crucial in building immunity in the pet’s body.
- Low in Fat: The nutritional requirement of fat for bearded dragons is not very high, and strawberries are low-fat fruit.
- Hydration: It is high in fiber and has a significant water content, which will benefit your beardie pet.
- High in Sugar: Of course, strawberries have sugar that is not good for them as it could lead to obesity or fatty liver disease.
- Potential Digestive Upset: Although strawberries are fiber-rich, overfeeding your pet may cause stomach upsets.
- Pesticides: Strawberries should also be washed properly before consumption. Some of the pesticide residues on these fruits are dangerous.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Have Strawberries?
Since strawberries are harmless, let us discuss the frequency of fruit inclusion in the diet.
Can beardies eat these berries frequently? The answer is a big NO.
Strawberries should only be offered in optimum amounts with the right frequency, meaning one can feed their pet with strawberries once a week or even once in two weeks at most. One or two small strawberries cut into pieces will do the trick and curb the pet’s craving for sweets without the need to flood with high fructose corn syrup. |
Are Strawberry Tops Or Leaves Safe For Bearded Dragons?
These lizards need to remain rather picky about what they consume. This brings us to the question: Can bearded dragons eat strawberry tops?
It is not toxic to them to munch the leafy green tops; however, it is advised not to feed them with many. The leaves are reportedly not nearly as palatable as the fruit itself and may produce feelings of nausea.
If you provide the leaves, ensure they are well-washed without pesticides.
How Do You Prepare Strawberries For Your Bearded Dragon?
To ensure your beloved pet can enjoy strawberries safely, here’s how to prepare them:
- Wash Thoroughly: Imported strawberries should be washed thoroughly to remove pesticides or other chemicals.
- Remove the Stem and Leaves: These parts are not considered safe or digestible, so remove them before offering them to your pet.
- Cut into Small Pieces: Chop a strawberry into tiny parts which a beardie can easily bite.
- Serve in Moderation: Strawberries are occasional foods and not part of the regular diet plan. Feed them occasionally in combination with their regular veggies and other crunchy greens.
Symptoms That Your Bearded Dragon Is Overfed With Fruits
While strawberries are tasty and nutritious, it’s essential to watch for signs that your bearded dragon might be eating too many sugary treats:
- Weight Gain: However, if your beardie gains weight quickly and you’ve been feeding him strawberries, it may be because of the high consumption of sugary fruits.
- Loose Stools or Diarrhea: A diet high in sugar and fiber may upset the bearded dragon’s digestion and result in loose bowel movements or diarrhea.
- Lethargy: If your little pet overeats sugary foods and gets insufficient vegetables or greens, he may feel sluggish or tired.
What Other Fruits Do Bearded Dragons Consume?
Are strawberries suitable for bearded dragons to eat together with other fruits? As for fruits, they should be offered, in general, sparingly for specific learners.
Bearded dragons can enjoy a variety of fruits, including:
The Love Affair Between Strawberries & Bearded Dragon Continues
As we established, our bearded friend can consume Strawberries. However, like all fruits, these berries should only be given occasionally as they may lead to discomfort for your beloved pet.
Do you want to know the ideal diet for feeding the bearded dragon?
TopFlight Dubia brings Dubia roaches that can be fed to your pet with strawberries so that they remain happy and healthy.