Can Bearded Dragons Eat Squash? TopFlight Dubia Explained

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Squash? TopFlight Dubia Explained

Posted by Penelope Baker on Apr 5th 2024

Nutrition is one of the most important things to consider when having a pet bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are omnivores. They can eat a wide range of food, from live mealworms and crickets to greens and vegetables. 

However, it doesn't mean they can eat every vegetable. You need to choose what you add to their bowl thoughtfully.

So, what can you give your bearded dragon? Can you feed them squash?

Squash is an excellent vegetable with many essential nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. For humans, it adds variety to their meals by providing important nutrients. But when it comes to bearded dragons, you must think twice.

Let's discuss more about whether bearded dragons can eat squash or not with TopFlight Dubia.

What Nutrients Present in Squash?

Most types of squash generally share common nutrients that can benefit the overall well-being of bearded dragons. The essential nutrients in squash are as follows: 


Beneficial for


Healthy bone density and heart health

Beta carotene and Vitamin A

Healthy skin, vision, and immune system


Development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth

Vitamin C

Immune system and overall health

Vitamin B6

Immune and nervous system


Overall growth


Muscles working and proper water retention

What Are the Different Types of Squash?

There are over 100 types of squash. Some of them are as follows:

  1. Acorn Squash 
  2. Butternut Squash
  3. Yellow Squash
  4. Spaghetti Squash
  5.  Zucchini Squash
  6. Delicata Squash
  7. Red Kuri Squash and many more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Acorn Squash?

Yes, beardies can have acorn squash a few times a week.

Acorn squash can be a nutritious treat for bearded dragons. It contains various nutrients as it contains various minerals such as:


As per the given data, the calcium to phosphorus ratio for acorn squash is 1:1, which is not close to the ideal ratio that a bearded dragon needs. So, that’s why you should feed acorn squash occasionally with calcium nutrients in greens like collard greens, turnip greens, and many more. 

How to Serve Acorn Squash to Bearded Dragons:

  • Cut the squash in half
  • Remove the seeds
  • Peel the skin
  • Cut into small pieces
  • Serv raw or lightly steamed
  • Mix with other vegetables

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Butternut Squash?

Yes, butternut squash can be fed to bearded dragons every day.

Butternut squash is one of the most popular varieties of winter squash.  These durable squashes can last longer and stay fresh better than other squash varieties. Bearded dragons can eat this type of squash to gain various nutrients like: 


How to Serve Butternut Squash to Bearded Dragons?

  • Wash the squash
  • Peel the skin 
  • Slice into small pieces by scooping out the seeds first
  • Serve raw or lightly steamed ( raw one is preferred) over the greens

NOTE: Make sure it is not overly mushy when cooking butternut squash.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Yellow Squash?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat yellow squash, but it should be offered sparingly ( 2-3 times a week).

Yellow squash is one of the vegetables that bearded dragons find attractive due to its yellow color. Apart from that, it contains nutrients that can benefit beardies. Some of the important nutrients in yellow squash are as follows:


NOTE:  Yellow squash has a calcium-phosphorus ratio of around 1:8. This makes yellow squash unsuitable for bearded dragons. Serve the squash with other greens like collard greens or mustard greens.

How to Serve Yellow Squash to Bearded Dragons:

  • Wash it properly
  • Peel the skin
  • Cut into small pieces
  • Serve it as raw or lightly cooked

NOTE: Make sure the pieces are small enough for your pet to eat easily without choking.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spaghetti Squash?

Yes, bearded dragons can have spaghetti squash daily.

This type of squash is full of nutrients that can be a healthy and delicious addition to your pet’s diet. The minerals and nutrients present in spaghetti squash are as follows:


As per the data above, the calcium to phosphorus ratio for this type of squash is around 1.92: 1. It is close to the ideal calcium to phosphorus ratio range for beardies, which makes it ideal for bearded dragons to consume regularly.

How To Serve Spaghetti Squash to Bearded Dragons:

  • Poke holes in the squash with a fork
  • Bake for about 30 minutes or until it is easy to shred
  • Let it cool down for a few minutes
  • Shred the squash into strands using the fork

Pro Tip: You can also use the microwave to make the squash soft for cutting. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini Squash?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat zucchini squash, but it should be given in moderation as an occasional treat (once a week). 

This hydrating vegetable is packed with various nutrients, such as:


The calcium to phosphorus ratio of zucchini is approximately 1:2.1, meaning phosphorus is predominant. So, it is advisable to include this squash occasionally as a rare treat to ensure the well-being of bearded dragons.

How To Serve Zucchini Squash to Bearded Dragons

  • Choose a fresh zucchini
  • Wash properly
  • Peel (optional as the skin contains most of the nutrients)
  • Remove the seeds
  • Cut into small pieces
  • Serve raw

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Squash Seeds?

Bearded dragons can eat squash seeds that are present in the center of the squash. The seeds are nutritious and contain healthy fiber, fats, and protein. However, it is also important to follow the below tips:

  • Feed seeds to your pet only as part of a balanced diet, as too many can cause digestive issues in beardies.
  • Offer seeds only after they are removed from the squash first. 

NOTE: If you have any concerns about your bearded dragon’s diet, make sure to discuss them with a veterinarian.


Bearded dragons can eat squash to get the essential nutrients for their overall well-being. There are lots of types of squash, namely acorn, butternut, zucchini, spaghetti, yellow and more. It is essential to remember how much and how often you can give the different types of squash to bearded dragons. Make sure to consult with a veterinarian about the specific dietary requirements of your bearded dragon.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

1. Is zucchini skin okay for bearded dragons?

  • It is not advisable to feed zucchini skin to bearded dragons as it may result in choking issues.

2. Can bearded dragons eat squash flowers?

  • Yes, they can eat squash flowers, but make sure to include them in their diet as an occasional treat to maintain a balanced diet.

3. Do bearded dragons eat all kinds of squash?

  • No, they can’t eat all types of squash, but they can eat some squash like acorn, butternut, yellow, and spaghetti squash.