Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peas? A Guide To Peas In Your Dragon's Diet

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peas? A Guide To Peas In Your Dragon's Diet

Posted by Lucas Wilson on Apr 5th 2024

As a responsible pet owner, you must seek the best diet for your bearded dragon. Eating balanced and healthy food is very healthy for these exotic pets. 

Besides the greens, fruits and insects form a significant part of their diet. There are certain greens these beardies gravitate towards; one such is peas.

Can bearded dragons eat peas? This guide covers all you need to learn about the food habits of your lovely beardie.  

Are Peas Healthy For Bearded Dragons?

They are a rich source of vitamins, particularly vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fiber and protein. 

These nutrients may benefit the bearded dragon, but the amount should always be in moderation. They are safe just like other occasional treats for the dragon, though again, they should not act as a replacement for the essential green leafy vegetables. 

Their Ca:P ratio is not optimal for reptiles and should not be given excessively. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Snap Peas?  

Well, yes, but these must be given sparingly.

Snap peas are a crispy and watery vegetable favorite among several dragons. 

They have a high fiber content, and like ordinary green ones, they also contain a lot of phosphorus, which, if given in large proportions, affects calcium uptake.  

The Nutritional Breakdown 

There are some measures a pet owner must take while feeding peas to your bearded friend. Here's a closer look at their nutritional content:  

  1. Vitamin A and C: Prevent eye diseases, build the immune system, and help protect the skin.  
  1. Fiber: Improves the health of the stomach and helps avoid developing the problem of constipation.  
  1. Hydration: Fresh ones contain a lot of water, fulfilling your pet’s hydration issue. 

Preventive Measures While Feeding

  1. Phosphorus: Peas have more phosphorus than calcium, meaning they are a little richer and may lead to harmful effects when taken without proper calcium foods.  
  1. Oxalates: In small concentrations, oxalates can chelate calcium, thus inhibiting its assimilation.  

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peas? 

Peas should not be fed too often; feeding the pets once or twice a month is enough. They should not be used to supplant collard greens, mustard greens, or dandelion greens, which are very necessary for the health of your bearded dragon.  

Serving Size 

Provide one serving size of a mixed salad, including 5-6 peas. This helps provide the dragon with enough micronutrients and prevents phosphorus overload.  

How To Serve

Preparation is the most critical aspect of providing food to your bearded dragon if you intend to feed your pet with vegetables.  

01. Choose Fresh or Frozen Peas

Avoid canned ones because most are processed with preservatives or added salt.  

02. Wash Thoroughly

Peas should also be washed in cold water to remove pesticide residues or other substances that might have been sprayed. 

03. Cook or Serve Raw

They can be eaten raw, but if they don't soften, you can boil them for a few minutes to ease digestion.  

04. Remove Strings

Snap peas should be given to your dragon after the tough strings have been pulled off.  

05. Chop Into Small Pieces

This helps in avoiding choking and also makes the feeding process relatively easy.  

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Peas As Its Main Diet? 

Peas are not recommended as a staple diet for Bearded dragons. 

As long they are taken in moderation, they are harmless but do not have the proper Ca:P ratio to build strong bones and bodily systems. 

These should occasionally be fed with insects, and leafy greens should still be the main part of the diet.  

The Right Way To Feed

If you're looking to add variety to your bearded dragon’s meals, here is how you should serve peas to these exotic creatures:  

Leafy Greens: Mix them with daily green leafy vegetables such as collards. 

Vegetables: Yellow and red bell peppers, squashes, and carrots, but should be limited. 

Final Thoughts

Yes, bearded dragons can eat peas. Cooked perishable vegetables such as snap peas are healthy and palatable for bearded dragons. 

However, due to their high phosphorus content, they should not replace essential greens and insects such as Dubia roaches. Feeding peas occasionally with other nutritious foods for bearded dragons will make the pet strong and healthy.  

Happy feeding!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

01. Can bearded dragons can consume frozen peas?

Yes, but before feeding, rinse them with water. Do not give frozen peas immediately, as it may cause some health complications.

02. Are peas safe for Baby bearded dragons?

Baby bearded dragons' main diet consists of protein found in insects and greens high in calcium. Hence, feeding them peas is not recommended until they become adult.

03. What are the best alternatives to peas?

Leafy greens and vegetables are the main diet of bearded dragons. They make up the majority of the pet’s diet.

04. What should one do if a bearded dragon consumes too many peas?

Watch for any signs of stomach discomfort and feed some foods high in calcium. Seek veterinary advice if the dragon continues to show some symptoms.

05. Are cooked peas suitable for bearded dragons?

Yes, if fresh, do not add seasoning or other spices. Your beardie can better digest peas if they are steamed lightly.