Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges

Posted by Harper Davis on Apr 4th 2024

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges

As a bearded dragon owner, you might find yourself pondering whether it is safe to share some of your favorite fruits, such as oranges, with your pet. Oranges are known for their rich content of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, and their delicious, juicy flavor makes them a tempting treat. However, the impact of feeding oranges to bearded dragons is more complex than it might seem, requiring a detailed understanding of their dietary needs and the potential health implications.

The Nutritional Content and Risks of Oranges

Oxalic Acid and Its Effects

One of the major concerns with oranges is their high level of oxalic acid. This organic compound can bind with calcium to form calcium oxalate, thereby removing calcium from the body. For bearded dragons, calcium is crucial for maintaining strong bone health, and its deficiency can lead to metabolic bone disease (MBD). This disease results in a variety of severe symptoms, including softened bones, limb deformities, and in advanced cases, paralysis and potentially fatal outcomes.

While a minimal amount of oxalic acid can be manageable if the diet is otherwise balanced and supplemented with calcium, the levels found in oranges exceed the safe threshold for bearded dragons.

The Problem with High Sugar Content

Another issue with feeding oranges to bearded dragons is their high sugar content. Bearded dragons are not naturally inclined to consume a lot of sugar. In the wild, their diet consists mostly of insects and the occasional plant material, which does not provide high sugar levels. Regular consumption of sugary fruits like oranges can lead to obesity, fatty liver disease, diabetes, and heart problems in bearded dragons.

Citric Acid and Digestive Health

Oranges also contain citric acid. While this is generally harmless and can even be beneficial in humans by aiding digestion and enhancing flavor, in bearded dragons, it can cause significant digestive distress. Citric acid can irritate the lining of their digestive tract, leading to diarrhea and subsequent severe dehydration. Given that bearded dragons are desert animals adapted to conserve water, dehydration due to diarrhea can be particularly dangerous and can impair their ability to absorb nutrients effectively.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mandarin Oranges or Clementines?

Although mandarin oranges and clementines are less acidic than traditional oranges, they still contain enough citric and oxalic acids to pose the same risks. These fruits also have higher sugar levels, which further discourages their inclusion in a bearded dragon's diet. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid feeding any type of citrus fruit to your bearded dragon.

What About Orange Peels and Feeder Insects?

The Dangers of Orange Peels

While orange peels are often considered a good source of fiber and vitamins in humans, they are not suitable for bearded dragons. The peels contain not only oxalic acid but also essential oils that can be toxic to bearded dragons. Furthermore, the tough texture of orange peels makes them difficult for bearded dragons to chew and digest, potentially leading to gastrointestinal blockages.

Feeding Feeder Insects Oranges

Some pet owners might consider feeding oranges to feeder insects like crickets and Dubia roaches, which are then fed to bearded dragons. It is true that insects metabolize food differently than bearded dragons, breaking down some of the harmful components of oranges. However, feeding these insects oranges can still increase their acidity, which might indirectly affect the bearded dragons that consume them. To minimize risks, it's best to offer these fruits sparingly to feeder insects—no more than once or twice a week.

Safe Fruit Alternatives for Bearded Dragons

While oranges and other citrus fruits are not recommended for bearded dragons, many other fruits are safe and can be beneficial when offered in moderation. These include:

  • Apples: Low in oxalic acid and high in fiber.
  • Cantaloupe: Provides hydration and is rich in vitamins A and C.
  • Figs: An excellent source of fiber and essential minerals.
  • Mango: High in vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Papaya: Contains enzymes that aid in digestion and improve nutrient absorption.

These fruits should be given as occasional treats rather than daily food items to ensure a balanced diet and to prevent any potential health issues associated with overfeeding fruits.


Although the sweet taste of oranges might make them seem like an ideal treat for bearded dragons, their high levels of oxalic acid, citric acid, and sugar make them unsuitable for these pets. Offering safer fruit alternatives and maintaining a diet that mirrors their natural intake will help keep your bearded dragon care healthy and active. Opt for fruits that provide nutritional benefits without the associated risks of citrus fruits to ensure a healthy, varied diet for your reptile companion.