Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mangoes?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mangoes?

Posted by Daniel Allen on Apr 6th 2024

Bearded Dragons are unique, easygoing, and curious pets. They are one of the most demanded pets in the reptile world and are quite loved by pet owners. 

These exotic pets need a balanced diet for their growth. A key ingredient of their diet includes fruit. One central question many pet lovers have: Can Bearded Dragons eat mango? 

So, the answer is yes.

Let’s break it down a little for a clearer understanding. We will explore how they can consume mangoes and at what frequency. Let’s dissect the theory. 

A Mango Diet For Your Pet

Like most reptiles, they are omnivorous and consume plant matter and insects. 

They mainly eat vegetables and insects, such as crickets and Dubia roaches, but they can occasionally eat fruits, too. 

Nevertheless, can the Bearded Dragons consume mangoes without any harm?

Mangoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C, which help improve the dragon's immunity and total well-being. 

To Keep In Mind

Mango should be given in small portions because it is rich in sugar

Mangoes are seasonal fruits that are nutritionally packed. Here are a few reasons why they are beneficial to this exotic pet when offered in moderation:

Vitamin A: Mangoes contain many Vitamin A, which is essential for better vision, skin, and the immune system.

Vitamin C: Mangoes also contain Vitamin C, which plays a vital role in the body’s immune system and skin and in repairing tissues. Even though bearded dragons are known to need less Vitamin C than people, a slight trace of mango can be healthy.

Fiber: These dragons can benefit from those fruits' dietary fiber, and they do not cause constipation.

Do Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?

They can eat mango, but it must be prepared correctly. The fruit should be ripe and peeled to remove the skins, which can become problematic when the pet digests. It is also important to chop the mango into small pieces, making it easier for your dragon to chew without choking.

Supplementing fruits such as mango occasionally is acceptable if it does not become the chief diet. 

Is Mango Safe For Bearded Dragons To Have Regularly?

Mangoes contain a high amount of natural sugar that, when taken in large quantities, may cause obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, and others.

Excessive amounts of fruit change the proportion of nutrients that the Bearded Dragons need, such as fiber and proteins, compared to sugars.

However, ensure that any leftover fruit is removed after 10-15 minutes to avoid spoiling and attracting unwanted bacterial strains.

What Other Fruits Bearded Dragons Can Eat?

Mango is not the only fruit that these pets can eat. Here are some other safe fruits that can be fed to your pet in moderation:

  • Blueberries: These tiny fruits are healthy because they contain antioxidants.
  • Strawberries: Rich in vitamin C and fiber and should be taken occasionally.
  • Papaya: This tropical fruit is pulpy, free from difficult digestive hassles, and packed with essential nutrients.
  • Pears: Unlike many fruits, pears are low in sugar content, high in fiber, and have a low glycemic index.


Mango needs to be fed in minor proportions, and the diet should consist of vegetables, especially the leaves, and small insects.

How Frequently Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mangoes?

It can be fed once or twice a week. Mango’s high levels of sugar can cause obesity or digestive upset if taken in large quantities. Bearded Dragons should be observed for health changes. 

If a dragon looks overweight or develops signs of digestive upset, do not feed it fruits, and it is advisable to seek the services of a vet.


Mango is safe for Bearded Dragons, but only in moderation. As we know, they are rich in vitamins A and C – both of which can be essential to your pet's immune system. 

However, since mangoes contain high sugar, they should be offered occasionally rather than as a daily food item. Peel the mangoes, chop them into small pieces, and do not give too much at a time.

Following this, we ensure your Bearded Dragon will live a long, healthy, happy life. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

01. Can Bearded Dragons eat dried mangoes?

Dried mangoes should be avoided because they contain high sugar and can mess up your pet’s digestion.

02. Can Bearded Dragons take mango seeds?

Mango seeds are unsafe for Bearded Dragons to consume. They can choke and lead to other complications, including digestive irritation. Always remove the seeds before presenting the mango on the table.

03. What does overfeeding mango to a Bearded Dragon look like?

Overfeeding mango may include increased weight, sluggish movements, loose stool, or stomach upsets. Look for these signs in your bearded dragon.

04. Can Baby Bearded Dragon eat mango?

Baby Bearded Dragons can eat mango in very trace amounts. Their gastrointestinal tracts are sensitive, so you should only give them fruits occasionally.

05. Is it also possible to feed Bearded Dragons mangoes with other fruits?

Mangoes can be included in the diet with other fruits for Bearded dragons, but it is advisable to feed them alone as it could overwhelm your beloved pet with high sugar levels.