Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms

Posted by Jack Williams on Apr 4th 2024

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms

Earthworms for Bearded Dragons

Hello, bearded dragon owners! If you're asking, "Can bearded dragons eat earthworms?" or "Can a bearded dragon eat nightcrawlers?" you are exploring important aspects of your pet's diet. Earthworms and nightcrawlers can seem like natural food choices, but it's essential to understand their effects on bearded dragons. Let's dive into the details.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?

Bearded dragons can eat earthworms, but there are several factors to consider before including them in your pet's diet. While earthworms can provide protein, they also have some drawbacks.

Nutritional Content of Earthworms

Earthworms, including nightcrawlers, are rich in protein and can be a source of nutrition for bearded dragons. They also contain:

  • Minerals: Such as iron and small amounts of calcium.
  • Vitamins: Earthworms have some B vitamins.

Potential Risks of Feeding Earthworms to Bearded Dragons

  • Parasites and Pesticides: Wild-caught earthworms may carry parasites and have been exposed to pesticides, which can be harmful to bearded dragons.
  • Nutritional Imbalance: Earthworms alone do not provide a balanced diet for bearded dragons and can lead to nutritional deficiencies if overfed.

How to Safely Feed Earthworms to Your Bearded Dragon

  • Source Carefully: If you choose to feed earthworms, ensure they are from a safe, pesticide-free environment or a reputable supplier.
  • In Moderation: Earthworms should only be a small part of a varied diet.
  • As a Treat: Offer them occasionally, not as a regular part of the diet.

Can Bearded Dragons Have Earthworms Regularly?

It's not recommended to feed earthworms regularly to bearded dragons. They are best used as an occasional treat rather than a staple food.

Balancing Earthworms in a Bearded Dragon's Diet

In addition to occasional earthworms, a bearded dragon's diet should include:

  • Leafy Greens: Foods like mustard greens, collard greens, and turnip greens.
  • Vegetables: Offer a variety of vegetables like bell peppers, squash, and carrots.
  • Occasional Fruits: Fruits should be given in moderation, like apples and blueberries.
  • Other Proteins: Include insects like crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches as primary protein sources.

How Often Should Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?

Feeding earthworms once every couple of weeks or less is advisable. This frequency allows your dragon to enjoy the benefits without any potential health risks.

Nutritional Considerations for a Balanced Diet

  • Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio: Ensure the overall diet has a good balance of calcium and phosphorus. Earthworms alone may not provide this balance.
  • Hydration: Always provide fresh water, as hydration is key to your dragon's health.
  • Diverse Diet: A varied diet with different greens, vegetables, fruits, and proteins is crucial for a healthy bearded dragon.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?

Baby bearded dragons can eat earthworms, but they should be given in very small amounts. Their diet should primarily focus on protein-rich foods and calcium-dense greens for proper growth.

What If My Bearded Dragon Really Likes Earthworms?

If your dragon enjoys earthworms, they can be included as an occasional treat in their diet. Just ensure to balance them with a variety of other foods to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.


In conclusion, while bearded dragons can eat earthworms, including nightcrawlers, they should be offered in moderation as part of a diverse diet. While earthworms provide protein, their potential risks and lack of certain nutrients make them more suitable as an occasional treat rather than a staple.

For more information on caring for your bearded dragon, including diet and nutrition tips, continue exploring our site. We're dedicated to helping you provide the best care for your scaly friend. Remember, a varied diet is key to the health and happiness of your bearded dragon, and including the right type of protein sources, like occasional earthworms, can add both nutrition and enjoyment to their meals!