Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers?

Posted by Evelyn Scott on Apr 5th 2024

Did you know 75-80% of an adult bearded dragon’s diet should be vegetables?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they can eat vegetables, an important part of their diet. Various vegetables can be served to your beloved pet, such as arugula, collared greens, dandelion greens, and many more. 

However, just like humans, beardies also need a variety of vegetables to maintain a good balance of nutrients, keep their bones healthy, and strengthen their immune systems.

So, have you considered adding bell peppers to your pet’s diet?

Humans love these peppers for their unique freshness, sweetness, and satisfying crunch. And if you are wondering whether these peppers would be a great addition to your pet’s diet.

Here, TopFlight Dubia shares everything you need to know about bell peppers for bearded dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raw Bell Peppers?

Yes, the bearded dragons can eat bell peppers, especially raw ones, because they offer more nutritional benefits than cooked ones. 

By heating the bell peppers, vitamin C is lost, as vitamin C is crucial for helping the bearded dragon with digestive problems and kidney or liver issues.

Nutrients Present  in Peppers 

In 100 grams of these peppers, the nutrient content is as follows: 

Source: USDA National Nutrient data base (2019)

  • Calcium:  Bone health, the functioning of muscles, and overall growth
  • Phosphorus:  Bone development
  • Fat & Protein: To grow properly
  • Carbohydrate: Provides energy
  • Antioxidants: Prevents inflammation, strengthens the immune system, and aids digestion.
  • Vitamin A: The bell peppers contain sufficient amounts of vitamin A, which helps to see, reproduce and grow well. 

What Bell Peppers Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Peppers have different colors; the most prominent ones are green, yellow, and red.

As per a query on Reddit, bearded dragons can eat peppers of all colors as they are all the same. The colors show what stages of ripeness they are at. The red ones are mostly ripe and can hold onto more nutrients, which makes them suitable for bearded dragons.

How Much Bell Peppers Can a Beardie Have?

Bearded dragons can have bell peppers in moderation. In fact, peppers are a good ingredient to be served with a salad. 

You can feed these peppers once or twice per month on a rotational basis, preferably with green beans as an occasional item to a staple green.

How To Serve Bell Peppers to Bearded Dragons?

Follow the steps to feed these peppers to your pet:

  1. Choose an organic bell pepper.
  2. Wash them thoroughly.
  3. Remove the pepper top, membranes, and seeds
  • First, cut off the top where the stem is attached
  • Then, slice the pepper in half lengthwise.
  • Use a spoon or knife to scrape out the seeds and the white membrane.
  1. Slice the outer shell of the pepper into very small pieces and feed with the salad.

What Should You Put in Your Bearded Dragon’s Salad?

As per a query on Reddit, preparing a salad for your beloved pet is easier. The salad is 16 grams and can be given to your beardie 6 times a week.

  • 8 grams of staple greens like mustard, collard, etc
  • 3 grams of veggies like spaghetti squash, etc
  • 2 grams of herbs like basil, parsley, cilantro
  • 3 grams of food divided between a leafy green like kale or Swiss chard and a veggie like peppers, green beans, or carrots occasionally.

NOTE: Consult a veterinarian about your beardie’s diet requirements.

The Bottom Line 

Bell peppers can be a great nutritional addition to a beardie’s diet. These peppers contain nutrients like proteins, fats, fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, and more, which can benefit the bearded dragons. 

So, bearded dragons can eat peppers with a salad in moderation once or twice a month. You can add other nutritious foods such as Dubia roaches, crickets, and more to keep a balanced diet. 

Consult your pet’s nutritional needs with a veterinarian to ensure their well-being. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

01. Are bell peppers and sweet peppers the same?

Yes, they both mean the same thing, but their name differs across regions.

02. What is the difference between bell peppers and capsicum?

Bell peppers and capsicum are similar, but the name varies by region.

03. Why remove seeds from bell peppers?

Removing the seeds from bell peppers is important because these seeds can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest.

04. Which color bell peppers are more nutritious?

The red bell peppers are more nutritious than other colors because the red ones are fully ripened and contain more nutrients.